.. _internals: Under the hood ============== This is the section where some description of how ``sarge`` works internally will be provided, as and when time permits. How capturing works ------------------- This section describes how :class:`Capture` is implemented. Basic approach ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A :class:`Capture` consists of a queue, some output streams from sub-processes, and some threads to read from those streams into the queue. One thread is created for each stream, and the thread exits when its stream has been completely read. When you read from a :class:`Capture` instance using methods like :meth:`~Capture.read`, :meth:`~Capture.readline` and :meth:`~Capture.readlines`, you are effectively reading from the queue. Blocking and timeouts ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Each of the :meth:`~Capture.read`, :meth:`~Capture.readline` and :meth:`~Capture.readlines` methods has optional ``block`` and ``timeout`` keyword arguments. These default to ``True`` and ``None`` respectively, which means block indefinitely until there's some data - the standard behaviour for file-like objects. However, these can be overridden internally in a couple of ways: * The :class:`Capture` constructor takes an optional ``timeout`` keyword argument. This defaults to ``None``, but if specified, that's the timeout used by the ``readXXX`` methods unless you specify values in the method calls. If ``None`` is specified in the constructor, the module attribute :attr:`default_capture_timeout` is used, which is currently set to 0.02 seconds. If you need to change this default, you can do so before any :class:`Capture` instances are created (or just provide an alternative default in every :class:`Capture` creation). * If all streams feeding into the capture have been completely read, then ``block`` is always set to ``False``. Implications when handling large amounts of data ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ There shouldn't be any special implications of handling large amounts of data, other than buffering, buffer sizes and memory usage (which you would have to think about anyway). Here's an example of piping a 20MB file into a capture across several process boundaries:: $ ls -l random.bin -rw-rw-r-- 1 vinay vinay 20971520 2012-01-17 17:57 random.bin $ python [snip] >>> from sarge import run, Capture >>> p = run('cat random.bin|cat|cat|cat|cat|cat', stdout=Capture(), async=True) >>> for i in range(8): ... data = p.stdout.read(2621440) ... print('Read chunk %d: %d bytes' % (i, len(data))) ... Read chunk 0: 2621440 bytes Read chunk 1: 2621440 bytes Read chunk 2: 2621440 bytes Read chunk 3: 2621440 bytes Read chunk 4: 2621440 bytes Read chunk 5: 2621440 bytes Read chunk 6: 2621440 bytes Read chunk 7: 2621440 bytes >>> p.stdout.read() '' Swapping output streams ----------------------- A new constant, ``STDERR``, is defined by ``sarge``. If you specify ``stdout=STDERR``, this means that you want the child process ``stdout`` to be the same as its ``stderr``. This is analogous to the core functionality in :class:`subprocess.Popen` where you can specify ``stderr=STDOUT`` to have the child process ``stderr`` be the same as its ``stdout``. The use of this constant also allows you to swap the child's ``stdout`` and ``stderr``, which can be useful in some cases. This functionality works through a class :class:`sarge.Popen` which subclasses :class:`subprocess.Popen` and overrides the internal ``_get_handles`` method to work the necessary magic - which is to duplicate, close and swap handles as needed. How shell quoting works ----------------------- The :func:`shell_quote` function works as follows. Firstly, an empty string is converted to ``''``. Next, a check is made to see if the string has already been quoted (i.e. it begins and ends with the ``'`` character), and if so, it is returned unchanged. Otherwise, it's bracketed with the ``'`` character and every internal instance of ``'`` is replaced with ``'"'"'``. How shell command formatting works ---------------------------------- This is inspired by Nick Coghlan's `shell_command `_ project. An internal :class:`ShellFormatter` class is derived from :class:`string.Formatter` and overrides the :meth:`string.Formatter.convert_field` method to provide quoting for placeholder values. This formatter is simpler than Nick's in that it forces you to explicitly provide the indices of positional arguments: You have to use e.g. ``'cp {0} {1}`` instead of ``cp {} {}``. This avoids the need to keep an internal counter in the formatter, which would make its implementation be not thread-safe without additional work. How command parsing works ------------------------- Internally ``sarge`` uses a simple recursive descent parser to parse commands. A simple BNF grammar for the parser would be:: ::= ((";" | "&") )* ::= (("&&" | "||") )* ::= ( (("|" | "|&") )*) | "(" ")" ::= + ::= WORD (()? (">" | ">>") ( | ("&" )))* where WORD and NUM are terminal tokens with the meanings you would expect. The parser constructs a parse tree, which is used internally by the :class:`Pipeline` class to manage the running of the pipeline. The standard library's :mod:`shlex` module contains a class which is used for lexical scanning. Since the :class:`shlex.shlex` class is not able to provide the needed functionality, ``sarge`` includes a module, ``shlext``, which defines a subclass, ``shell_shlex``, which provides the necessary functionality. This is not part of the public API of ``sarge``, though it has been `submitted as an enhancement `_ on the Python issue tracker. Thread debugging ---------------- Sometimes, you can get deadlocks even though you think you've taken sufficient measures to avoid them. To help identify where deadlocks are occurring, the ``sarge`` source distribution includes a module, ``stack_tracer``, which is based on MIT-licensed code by László Nagy in an `ActiveState recipe `_. To see how it's invoked, you can look at the ``sarge`` test harness ``test_sarge.py`` -- this is set to invoke the tracer if the ``TRACE_THREADS`` variable is set (which it is, by default). If the unit tests hang on your system, then the ``threads-X.Y.log`` file will show where the deadlock is (just look and see what all the threads are waiting for). Future changes -------------- At the moment, if a :class:`Capture` is used, it will read from its sub-process output streams into a queue, which can then be read by your code. If you don't read from the :class:`Capture` in a timely fashion, a lot of data could potentially be buffered in memory - the same thing that happens when you use :meth:`subprocess.Popen.communicate`. There might be added some means of "turning the tap off", i.e. pausing the reader threads so that the capturing threads stop reading from the sub-process streams. This will, of course, cause those sub-processes to block on their I/O, so at some point the tap would need to be turned back on. However, such a facility would afford better sub-process control in some scenarios. Next steps ---------- You might find it helpful to look at the :ref:`reference`.